Process Synchronization


Consider the following solution to the producer-consumer synchronization problem. The shared buffer size is N. Three semaphores empty, full and mutex are defined with respective initial values of 0, N and 1. Semaphore empty denotes the number of available slots in the buffer, for the consumer to read from. Semaphore full denotes the number of available slots in the buffer, for the producer to write to. The placeholder variables, denoted by P, Q, R, and S, in the code below can be assigned either empty or full. The valid semaphore operations are: wait() and signal(). Which one of the following assignments to P, Q, R and S will yield the correct solution?


The hardware implementation which provides mutual exclusion is


Consider the following two-process synchronization solution. The shared variable turn is initialized to zero.Which one of the following is TRUE?


Consider the following proposed solution for the critical section problem. There are n processes: P_{0}...P_{n-1} . In the code,function pmax returns an integer not smaller than any of its arguments. For all i, t[i] is initialized to zero. Which one of the following is TRUE about the above solution?


A critical region


Remote Procedure Calls are used for


Mutual exclusion problem occurs


Consider a computer system with multiple shared resource types, with one instance per resource type. Each instance can be owned by only one process at a time. Owning and freeing of resources are done by holding a global lock (L). The following scheme is used to own a resource instance: function OWNRESOURCE(Resource R) Acquire lock L // a global lock if R is available then Acquire R Release lock L else if R is owned by another process P then Terminate P, after releasing all resources owned by P Acquire R Restart P Release lock L end if end if end functionWhich of the following choice(s) about the above scheme is/are correct?[MSQ]


Consider the two functions incr and decr shown below. incr(){ wait(s); X = X+1; signal(s); } decr(){ wait(s); X = X-1; signal(s); } There are 5 threads each invoking incr once, and 3 threads each invoking decr once, on the same shared variable X. The initial value of X is 10. Suppose there are two implementations of the semaphore s, as follows: I-1: s is a binary semaphore initialized to 1. I-2: s is a counting semaphore initialized to 2. Let V1, V2 be the values of X at the end of execution of all the threads with implementations I-1, I-2, respectively. Which one of the following choices corresponds to the minimum possible values of V1, V2, respectively?


Semaphores are used to solve the problem ofI. Race ConditionII. Process SynchronizationIII. Mutual ExclusionIV. None of the above